Submit your Work to Clinical Neuropsychiatry

Now you can upload your work by completing and submitting this form.
Please note that the process of evaluation could take about two months and then we let you know our evaluation.

NB: Giovanni Fioriti Editore recommends that authors have their manuscripts checked by an English language native speaker before submission; this will ensure that submissions are judged at peer review exclusively on academic merit. We offer these services specialising in language editing and/or translation, and suggest that authors contact us as appropriate. Please tick the box if you are interested in this service. Use of any of these services is voluntary, and at the author's own expense.

Clinical Neuropsychiatry offers the possibility to have your articles evaluated fast track and published as an ahead publication.

For more info

To send the item, fill in and send the form







Please check if the references and the in-text citations of your work conforms to 7th edition APA style
If it does not, we can handle it for a fee.

Please tick this box if you want to use this service.


Fast Track

To have your article evaluated and published as quickly as possible, you can opt for the Fast Track (article evaluation) and Epub ahead of print (article publication) options.
With the Fast Track service, your article will be evaluated within one week.
Only if the article is accepted, it can also be published in electronic format on the web before the printing date (Epub ahead of print service).
If you have purchased the service on the website (if you want to purchase it now, click here) place the Order Number in the proper field.

Purchaise Order Number

If you would like your article to be checked by an English mother-tongue translator please tick on this box.
We will give you an estimate price.

Upload your article file

Cover Letter Upload

Article Upload

Tables Upload

Supplementary Material Upload

COI Declaration upload

Each author must fill in, sign and submit the conflict of interest (COI) declaration. The form to be completed should be downloaded by each author here. Once completed, it can be uploaded in PDF format when submitting the article and cover letter. We ask you to submit the article only when you are in possession of the COI of all authors.
For ease of management, in the case of multiple authors the data can be entered in a single file to be uploaded.

If you are resubmitting your work please enter the Code

By submitting this form you declare that this article has not been sent to other journals.